I read a fact
the other day on the Internet: Eight percent of all babies in the womb who test
positive for Down syndrome or a genetic anomaly survive and are born1.
That means 92% of all babies who test positive are aborted. Ninety two percent never get a chance; reading
that fact shook me to my core.
It reminded me of a story I had been
told: In the late 80’s a woman found out she was pregnant on her 40th
birthday. She was surprised, but thrilled. At sixteen weeks the infant was
tested for Down syndrome and the mother was shocked to hear that her baby
tested positive. The doctor told her that according to the numbers, it was one
of the most severe cases he had ever seen. He said she would need around the
clock assistance just to care for her child’s basic needs. He insisted that she
seek an immediate abortion. The mother refused, she said “I want to have this
baby”. The doctor replied “No, ma’am, you see I only deliver perfect
babies”. The woman looked at him and said “I have five children at home and not
one of them is perfect. I am having this baby”.
I think of her situation, and the
stress of having a big family and knowing the amount of time, resources and
attention that would need to go into raising her youngest, but she stayed
On September 11th, 1987
she gave birth. The pediatrician in the delivery room picked up the baby,
examined it and said “What are they talking about? This baby is perfect.” I
think of the stress, the fear, the uncertainty that mother endured for those
months of her pregnancy and I am so thankful for her decision. This is the
story of my mother and her pregnancy with me. I am so thankful for her courage,
her strength and that she wanted me. I am so thankful that she was willing to
sacrifice for me, as she has throughout my life. I am happy I have had the
chance to live, to go to college, to get married and to be a mother myself, when
all of that could have been wiped away in
a moment if she had decided to go with the doctor’s direction and abort me. I
am so grateful for my life and I
don’t think I would feel any different or any less grateful if I had been born
with Down syndrome.
I have heard that story probably a
hundred times throughout my life, yet I have never thought of myself as a
survivor. The real implications and danger of my situation never really struck
me until I read that fact. I feel a sense of grief at my fellow 92% who tested
positive and didn’t get the chance to live like I did. I also feel angry and
indignant at those who insist, preach even, that no life is better than a difficult one. I wonder, would they feel
so strongly if the life in question were their own?
It is humbling to consider that we
are all here because someone said “yes” and wanted us to be here. Not just our
mothers, but our God. This week in the Church it is Pentecost and I feel I have
a new lease on life. What is going on in our culture is sobering and we need to speak up for those who don’t have anyone to
defend them in the womb. Testifying to the Truth in the world and that Jesus
Christ is Lord is our mission and I want us to succeed. Christ has revealed
Himself to the Apostles and revealed His Power in our lives and we must choose to spread this Good News. Just as
the Holy Spirit gave the Apostles power at Pentecost It will also empower us.
After all, Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit in Mary’s womb, so who better
to help us protect the unborn of today?